M005 - Modal Verbs - Past Forms Advanced. M006 - Modal Verbs - MUST, MUSTN’T, DON’T HAVE TO, SHOULD, SHOULDN’T, MIGHT, CAN, CAN’T Intermediate. Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced.

They are also used in a sentence to express ability, asking permission, making requests and offers, and so on. All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Oliver: Yes I did! And his name's Hannibal.Modal verbs (will, can, may, must, etc.) are used to show if something is seen as certain, probable or possible (or not). I'd better go – I mustn't miss the helicopter! Is Oliver there?ĭaisy: No, he's out buying that pet. well, with a romance!!ĭaisy: You'll be home next week, and maybe you should take some time off travelling. it's not easy to combine my kind of life with. Sophie: I'm in New Zealand! I'm about to go and fly over volcanoes. Why do these things have to be so complicated?ĭaisy: It's not complicated, Mum! You mustn't forget, he's the one who suggested going for a drink, so he obviously likes you – and you obviously like him! What's complicated? Sophie: I shouldn't be asking you about this sort of thing! Oh, but I feel like a teenager. Maybe you should go for a coffee or lunch and see how you feel? If you don't like him, you don't have to see him again. why not? He has to decide if he wants to go out with the mother of a student, though. ĭaisy: I don't mind! And if you like him. ACTIVITY 1: Read the sentences carefully and choose the correct modal verb: ACTIVITY 2: Write sentences with MUST/MUSTNT and the information below ACTIVITY 3. This modal verbs of ability exercise checks your understanding of using can. First, students complete statements on their worksheet with true and false information about their abilities. In this amusing can and can't activity, students play a true or false guessing game about their abilities. Modal verbs exercises for grade 6 with answers exercises of may, can, must, must, will, would, shall, should, could, might, ought to etc. ESL Modal Verbs of Ability Game - Writing, Listening and Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes. Pdf,ppt,images tlcharger gratuits :esl modal verbs worksheet. I mean, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Modal verbs exercises for grade 6 exercise. And you mustn't forget to change the water they don't smell great. You'd better buy a thermostat and a filter if you want a turtle. A turtle? They're small and quiet and they don't have hair. Can we swim in the lake Habits We can use 'will' and 'would' to talk about habits or things we usually do, or did in the past. For example: Could I leave early today, please You may not use the car tonight. We also use modal verbs to say something is not allowed. You've got to be careful with a cat – some are nice, but some are. We can use verbs such as 'can', 'could' and 'may' to ask for and give permission. She used to scratch the sofa – and our legs – and she stole food if you left it for a moment. You should brush them as often as possible, and get their hair cut.Īlfie: We used to have a cat. And you've got to look after their hair regularly. Think of your neighbours!Īmy: As an adult, Old English Sheepdogs are extremely large – like that one. and noisy! You'd better get something a bit quieter, Ollie. And a smaller dog? Should I get one of these?Īmy: They're Yorkshire terriers. You should always clean it up and put it in the bin. And you mustn't forget to take two or three small plastic bags when you go out.Īmy: Well, when your dog … you shouldn't leave it on the street. Well, you don't have to go twice, but you must go at least once. You should really have a garden.Īmy: And you have to take them out for a walk twice a day. Dalmatians are quite big, aren't they?Īmy: Yes, they are. Then the spots appear.Īlfie: Ah, I never knew that. Oh yeah! Look at these, mate! Puppies! What's that white one?Īlfie: But they've got black spots, haven't they?Īmy: Not when they're puppies, no. Daisy and Mum like the idea, but Mum says I mustn't get a spider, a scorpion or a snake.Īlfie: Let's see the dogs. may, might We use may and might to talk about things that are possibly true, but we don’t know for sure. Modals Modals are special verbs that are different from normal verbs. Oliver: Well, I've got some money and I've decided I'd quite like a pet. Modals in English Grammar, Use of Modals, Exercise and Examples for Class 8 to 10. I want to study veterinary science at university and my parents suggested I should get some experience of working with animals.Īmy: It's my first day.

Oliver: Amy! Hi! What are you doing here?Īmy: It's my new Saturday job.